The Leviathan (2015)

I suppose you could call it a cautionary tale: Back in 2015, Ruairi Robinson created this stunning Proof of Concept Teaser Trailer for a film he hoped to sell to the studios, with the help of Bord Scannáin na hÉireann/ the Irish Film Board and a script by Jim Uhls, who wrote the screenplay forContinue reading “The Leviathan (2015)”

In search of A Road through the Pleiades…

I frequently dig through the archives of old film festivals in the hope that I will find some forgotten treasures. Most recently, my efforts lead me to the Festival Internazionale del Film di Fantascienza (better known as the Trieste Science Fiction film festival). What continues to amaze me as I go through their archives isContinue reading “In search of A Road through the Pleiades…”

Please Speak Continuously and Describe Your Experiences as They Come to You (2019)

Between his debut feature, Antiviral, and his second feature, Possessor, David Cronenberg’s son, Brandon, made this eerie and visually dazzling short film. It may only be a little over Nine minutes long, but its surreal sets, its bold colors, its jarring editing, and its decidedly uncomfortable premise all add up to an unexpected kick inContinue reading “Please Speak Continuously and Describe Your Experiences as They Come to You (2019)”