Galgameth [The Legend of Galgameth] (1996)

Sometimes the story behind a film is far more interesting than the film itself. That was definitely the case with the North Korean film, Pulgasari. When his ex-wife, Choi Eun-hee, disappeared while on a trip to Hong Kong, South Korean director Shin Sang-ok was upset that he was being blamed for her disappearance and wentContinue reading “Galgameth [The Legend of Galgameth] (1996)”

Made in Poland

I’ve been doing a deep dive on Soviet era animation lately, a mission which has unearthed a lot of interesting science fiction short films which I hadn’t heard of before. So many, in fact, that I’ve had to divide up the single post I’d planned into several posts, with more films yet to watch. WhichContinue reading “Made in Poland”

A Short Visit with Astroboy…

It’s amazing how little you can find about some of these films. From 1999 to 2004, Osamu Tezuka’s production company released a series of five Astroboy short films they posted for free on Youtube for a limited time. Astroboy: The Shining Earth (or “The Glorious Earth” depending on who you are listening to) was theContinue reading “A Short Visit with Astroboy…”

The Return of Captain Sinbad (2001)

Somewhere along the line we seem to have lost a lot of things without anyone particularly noticing at the time. Of course, if you are into creature features, you’ve probably noticed that stop motion animation has virtually vanished.  Everything is digital these days. But that’s not the only place where stop motion animation has disappeared,Continue reading “The Return of Captain Sinbad (2001)”