The Leviathan (2015)

I suppose you could call it a cautionary tale: Back in 2015, Ruairi Robinson created this stunning Proof of Concept Teaser Trailer for a film he hoped to sell to the studios, with the help of Bord Scannáin na hÉireann/ the Irish Film Board and a script by Jim Uhls, who wrote the screenplay forContinue reading “The Leviathan (2015)”

Living with Monsters (2024)

There are a lot of people out there creating absolutely incredible little films. There problem is that very few of them appear to be in Hollywood these days. Lost Utopia films is one of those fairly new YouTube channels which has put out a lot of interesting Godzilla footage. However, most of it has beenContinue reading “Living with Monsters (2024)”

Ijon Tichy Returns — For the First Time…

Last time, we talked about the 1999 short film which kicked off one of my favorite TV series of all time, the incredible German lo-fi production, Ijon Tichy: Raumpilot. But, as I pointed out, it was one of two films the creators made while they were in college. Here is the second, Aus den SterntagebüchernContinue reading “Ijon Tichy Returns — For the First Time…”

What Might Have Been…

I have to admit that I love the old practical effects, particularly stop motion, which I’m afraid may become a lost art one of these days, even with creators like Brett Piper, Richard Svensson, and Ray Lengel still hard at work. Recently I came across a lost treasure: Pete Peterson worked as Willis O’Brien’s assistantContinue reading “What Might Have Been…”

The Lone Animator Strikes Again…

Richard Svennson, otherwise known as the Lone Animator continues to amaze me with his incredible Stop Motion shorts.  His combination of quirky creatures and nerdy interests means that he has explored a lot of strange corners with his work. Perhaps my favorite is this spin on the classic bad sci fi movie, Robot Monster, whichContinue reading “The Lone Animator Strikes Again…”

The Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath (2003)

I’ve long had a somewhat uneasy relationship with H.P. Lovecraft in these pages, both on my main site and here on the blog. His dark vision of cosmic horror has at its core a large and deeply hostile universe, with parallel dimensions, super powered beings and strange alien races. But at the same time, itContinue reading “The Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath (2003)”

Galgameth [The Legend of Galgameth] (1996)

Sometimes the story behind a film is far more interesting than the film itself. That was definitely the case with the North Korean film, Pulgasari. When his ex-wife, Choi Eun-hee, disappeared while on a trip to Hong Kong, South Korean director Shin Sang-ok was upset that he was being blamed for her disappearance and wentContinue reading “Galgameth [The Legend of Galgameth] (1996)”

Tokusatsu Team-Up!: Urutoraman Bui Esu Kamen Raida [Ultraman vs. Kamen Rider] 1993

To celebrate the Twenty-fifth anniversary of Ultraman and the Twentieth anniversary of Kamen Rider, Tsubarya and Toei teamed up to create this all too brief encounter between the two legendary tokusatsu heroes, in their original incarnations. It originally appeared on Japanese TV as part of a much longer documentary, about the history of the twoContinue reading “Tokusatsu Team-Up!: Urutoraman Bui Esu Kamen Raida [Ultraman vs. Kamen Rider] 1993”

Godzilla Fest: Part Two…

The team who revived the practical Godzilla, the classic man in a suit version we’ve known and loved since our childhood, weren’t about to take this CGI imposter short lying down. Instead, harkening back to the same film, they brought us a short in which Godzilla takes on yet another opponent from that same film,Continue reading “Godzilla Fest: Part Two…”

Godzilla Fest: Part One…

Ah, tradition. It’s one of those words that does come up when we talk about Godzilla, but it does sound slightly pretentious when we are on year four of a new tradition. But who cares?  This is one new tradition we hope will go on for a long, long time. Now for those of youContinue reading “Godzilla Fest: Part One…”