Living with Monsters (2024)

There are a lot of people out there creating absolutely incredible little films. There problem is that very few of them appear to be in Hollywood these days. Lost Utopia films is one of those fairly new YouTube channels which has put out a lot of interesting Godzilla footage. However, most of it has beenContinue reading “Living with Monsters (2024)”

Galgameth [The Legend of Galgameth] (1996)

Sometimes the story behind a film is far more interesting than the film itself. That was definitely the case with the North Korean film, Pulgasari. When his ex-wife, Choi Eun-hee, disappeared while on a trip to Hong Kong, South Korean director Shin Sang-ok was upset that he was being blamed for her disappearance and wentContinue reading “Galgameth [The Legend of Galgameth] (1996)”

Godzilla Fest: Part Two…

The team who revived the practical Godzilla, the classic man in a suit version we’ve known and loved since our childhood, weren’t about to take this CGI imposter short lying down. Instead, harkening back to the same film, they brought us a short in which Godzilla takes on yet another opponent from that same film,Continue reading “Godzilla Fest: Part Two…”

Godzilla Fest: Part One…

Ah, tradition. It’s one of those words that does come up when we talk about Godzilla, but it does sound slightly pretentious when we are on year four of a new tradition. But who cares?  This is one new tradition we hope will go on for a long, long time. Now for those of youContinue reading “Godzilla Fest: Part One…”

Godzilla Keeps Appearing at Godzilla Fest…

Not too long ago, I reviewed the stunning Godzilla short Godzilla vs Gigan Rex, which was created by Toho Studios for the 2022 Godzilla Fest. It was an impressive, giantsuitmation return to the sort of wild Kaiju battles we used to see in the classic Godzilla films, even if it only ran for a littleContinue reading “Godzilla Keeps Appearing at Godzilla Fest…”

Chô shôjo Reiko (1991)

I suppose it was inevitable that I would eventually get to this one. After all, I’ve been trying to track down all of the obscure Toho Tokusatsu films out there (at least now that I’ve finally worked my way through all their Kaiju Eiga films). The director, Takao Okawara, directed one of Toho’s strangest films,Continue reading “Chô shôjo Reiko (1991)”

Honestly! Why can’t we see Godzilla vs. Wolfman?…

The story here is simple enough: Back in the Eighties, a group of filmmakers who’d worked on various Toho monster movies got together and made a film in which someone turns into a gigantic werewolf and ends up fighting Godzilla. Sadly, this is the only footage which ever trickled out of the project, although I’veContinue reading “Honestly! Why can’t we see Godzilla vs. Wolfman?…”

Raised from the Dead? SRS to release Space Monster Wangmagwi!

I never thought I would see this happen. Back in 1967, a Korean director made a giant monster movie, one of their earliest, and yet was never seen anywhere outside Korea.  I’m not even sure it got a proper release there. Every assumed it was completely lost until a few years ago, when it wasContinue reading “Raised from the Dead? SRS to release Space Monster Wangmagwi!”

Fanboy Monsters?…

I’ll have to admit I think it is a hopeful trend: A lot of fans and industry professionals have been hard at work making low- and super-low budget Kaiju Eiga films in Japan. As you’d expect, many of these display more enthusiasm than polish, and some of them have been forced to settle for somewhatContinue reading “Fanboy Monsters?…”

Good News Everybody! Well, Maybe…

Apple + just announced that they’re going to produce a streaming-only series set in the Legendary pictures Monsterverse. Not too long ago, I would probably have been ecstatic at the mere suggestion that such a project was in the works, but these days?  I don’t know.  I have an uneasy feeling they’ll make a messContinue reading “Good News Everybody! Well, Maybe…”